Friday, July 25, 2008

Writing for Change- San Francisco- Aug 16-17

In May, I attended the Book Expo of America in Los Angeles, where along with many authors and publishers, I met Tyson Miller, Director of the Green Press Initiative, and Julie Salisbury from InspireABook.

Julie and I are exploring a collaboration that weave our passions for writing, international travel, and socially responsible business with our clients' desires to grow their businesses, publish and thrive!

Please come to our session at the WRITING for CHANGE Conference on Aug. 17 at 10:00 AM at the Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco. Julie will be presenting "Transform Yourself from Writer to Author" with a demonstration from her InspireABook program. Adding to Julie's curriculum, I will present other options for content production, and the value this brings to proposal submissions.

Click here for more information and to register.

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