Thanks to Andrew Peterson, I have moved my weblog to a WordPress format. Please visit me there. I need help with uploading plug-ins, etc into a 3-column Wordpress template. Also looking for someone to create a banner for me that can be used on weblog and other materials.
I'm still on quite a learning curve and welcome your participation.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Writer to Expert: New Offerings for Fall 2008
New Offerings for Fall 2008
Writing for Change TeleCourse
From Author to Expert, $395
From Author to Expert, $395
In just 9 hours, learn how to transform your content and expertise into education for change with teleseminars, workshops, retreats and class series.
Mondays: Nov. 3-24, 2008 (6:00-7:30) PST
OR Dec. 1-22, 2008 (6:00-7:30) PST
In this teleseminar, you will learn:
• Ways to design, structure, and pace a teleseminar, workshop, or course series using methodologies, techniques, and a variety of fun, engaging activities that deliver your message with authenticity impact, and spark.
• How to organize, layer, and present your content and adapt your delivery for podcasts, tele-seminars, AND workshops with losing focus and intention.
• Ways to create and lead experiential activities that encompass the full spectrum of adult learning and cross-cultural modalities.
• Tools for objectively evaluating the success of your workshop or seminar and strategies for future development and marketing.
Sheryl R. Sever (aka COACH SHERA) is a creative business and learning consultant with nearly 20 years international experience in sales, marketing, corporate training, and courseware production. Her professional experience includes senior consulting positions with McGraw-Hill Publishers, Addison-Wesley Longman, UC Berkeley English Language Program and San Francisco State University Professional Development programs.
She is the Executive Editor of the 2006 Sustainable World Sourcebook, a member of the Global Facilitators team for the Awakening the Dreamer Initiative, and is committed to helping entrepreneurs and leaders develop and thrive in sustainable businesses and communities.
She is the Executive Editor of the 2006 Sustainable World Sourcebook, a member of the Global Facilitators team for the Awakening the Dreamer Initiative, and is committed to helping entrepreneurs and leaders develop and thrive in sustainable businesses and communities.
Individual consultations also available.
For more information and to register, call 510.336.9161
SKYPE: Sheralot
SKYPE: Sheralot
Friday, July 25, 2008
Writing for Change- San Francisco- Aug 16-17
In May, I attended the Book Expo of America in Los Angeles, where along with many authors and publishers, I met Tyson Miller, Director of the Green Press Initiative, and Julie Salisbury from InspireABook.
Julie and I are exploring a collaboration that weave our passions for writing, international travel, and socially responsible business with our clients' desires to grow their businesses, publish and thrive!
Julie and I are exploring a collaboration that weave our passions for writing, international travel, and socially responsible business with our clients' desires to grow their businesses, publish and thrive!
Please come to our session at the WRITING for CHANGE Conference on Aug. 17 at 10:00 AM at the Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco. Julie will be presenting "Transform Yourself from Writer to Author" with a demonstration from her InspireABook program. Adding to Julie's curriculum, I will present other options for content production, and the value this brings to proposal submissions.
Click here for more information and to register.
Click here for more information and to register.
Turning the Wheel- The Great Turning
The most remarkable feature of this historical moment on Earth is not
that we are on the way to destroying the world-
we've actually been on the way for quite a while.
It is that we are beginning to wake up, as from a millennia-long sleep,
to a whole new relationship to our world, to ourselves and each other.
-Joanna Macy, author World as Lover, World as Self
that we are on the way to destroying the world-
we've actually been on the way for quite a while.
It is that we are beginning to wake up, as from a millennia-long sleep,
to a whole new relationship to our world, to ourselves and each other.
-Joanna Macy, author World as Lover, World as Self
The Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Initiative held it's second Global Gathering on the campus of Mills College in Oakland, CA on June 26-29.
Nearly 200 committed facilitators (including me) from four continents ,along with guest speakers Lynne Twist, Brian Swimme, and Joanne Macy , among others, gathered to re-affirm, apply, and expand our commitment to an environmentally sustainable, socially just, spiritually fulfilling presence on this planet as the guiding principle for these times.
The Global Gathering re-ignited in me what really is important - and what I am committed to- on a personal, professional, and collective level.
It's easy to forget that real change begins
with changing oneself.
with changing oneself.
At the conference, all of us felt and agreed that this is a most amazing time to be alive, that we don't have all the answers, and that in fact, we may or may not be successful in creating the personal and collective changes that must take place now.
If we focus our actions on cooperation, not competition, on doing more with less, (and perhaps on DOING less and BEING more), heal our addictions to consumption, and re-claim the role of world citizen founded on interdependence and respect for the dignity of all life,we may be able to "turn the wheel" towards sustainable solutions.
Turning the Wheel. . .
WHAT can I start doing today and the rest of the year to bring more cooperation and collaboration into the company culture, our teams, client relations, and communities?
WHO am I mentoring? WHO are my mentors?
WHO are my"emPower partners?" Is there a team, a social network, forum, panel, or consortium that can be formed with "competitors"?
WHAT is my role and contribution to the "Great Turning"?
What will future generations learn from and do with your contributions?
Table for Six Billion, Please
Changing the World, One Restaurant at a Time
Earlier this summer, I had a meeting with the Director of Organizational Learning at an international software digital printing company. In our conversation, she reminded me that as entrepreneurs and business leaders, we choose our clients.
And then the light went on! As leaders, one of the key evaluative questions we need to continually ask ourselves is what ARE our values? What DO we stand for? What ARE we committed to? How do we translate that into our businesses?
How can we develop our "relational capital" to attract and serve the clients who will benefit most from what we offer (the intangible values and commitment, and the tangible products/services)? What are our clients' values and needs?
To assist this inquiry, I was reading an article in The Sun magazine where I was re-introduced to the business model Judy Wicks employed to develop the White Dog Cafe in Philadelphia.
Not only has Judy consistently managed to motivate, recognize, and retain skilled employees, she has also set the standard for community-building, education, and the resurgence of thriving local "living" communities, both in the USA and abroad. Judy is also the co-founder of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE).
Among her guiding principles and practices, Judy speaks on the need for the business world to move away from a mentality of accumulation and competition and (back?) towards an economy based on sharing and cooperation.
She coins this model "living returns" vs. the stock market. She reminds us that investing in our community is in our self-interest and the "multiple bottom line" approach pioneered by Ben & Jerry's (before the forced buyout to Unilever Corporation), is not only a responsible approach, but an essential and necessary action if we want to experience any form of sustainable return.
The bottom line question is : Do we want to develop and sustain businesses that are beneficial to all life and future generations or not?
We can no longer focus solely on the competitive advantage, but rather need to engage in Cooperative Advantage ™ strategies- competencies, skills, values, communication that is all inclusive, and that encourages sustainability, justice, personal and collective fulfillment.
To find out more about how you can incorporate The Cooperative Advantage ™, in your business, workplace, and community, post a comment or click here .
Earlier this summer, I had a meeting with the Director of Organizational Learning at an international software digital printing company. In our conversation, she reminded me that as entrepreneurs and business leaders, we choose our clients.
I wasn't in total agreement with her in that moment, as I have often found clients "choosing" me to work on initiatives that were not in alignment with my passions, values, and stand in life. Yet, I understood that she was referring to focused intention and the laws of attraction.
And then the light went on! As leaders, one of the key evaluative questions we need to continually ask ourselves is what ARE our values? What DO we stand for? What ARE we committed to? How do we translate that into our businesses?
How can we develop our "relational capital" to attract and serve the clients who will benefit most from what we offer (the intangible values and commitment, and the tangible products/services)? What are our clients' values and needs?
To assist this inquiry, I was reading an article in The Sun magazine where I was re-introduced to the business model Judy Wicks employed to develop the White Dog Cafe in Philadelphia.
Not only has Judy consistently managed to motivate, recognize, and retain skilled employees, she has also set the standard for community-building, education, and the resurgence of thriving local "living" communities, both in the USA and abroad. Judy is also the co-founder of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE).
Among her guiding principles and practices, Judy speaks on the need for the business world to move away from a mentality of accumulation and competition and (back?) towards an economy based on sharing and cooperation.
She coins this model "living returns" vs. the stock market. She reminds us that investing in our community is in our self-interest and the "multiple bottom line" approach pioneered by Ben & Jerry's (before the forced buyout to Unilever Corporation), is not only a responsible approach, but an essential and necessary action if we want to experience any form of sustainable return.
The bottom line question is : Do we want to develop and sustain businesses that are beneficial to all life and future generations or not?
We can no longer focus solely on the competitive advantage, but rather need to engage in Cooperative Advantage ™ strategies- competencies, skills, values, communication that is all inclusive, and that encourages sustainability, justice, personal and collective fulfillment.
To find out more about how you can incorporate The Cooperative Advantage ™, in your business, workplace, and community, post a comment or click here .
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Marketing Makeover- Writing a Bio
In my work with new and growing business owners, the mantra I most frequently hear is , "I don't know how to market myself".
The most important element in any marketing message is authenticity. Commitment to your intention and authenticity in your message builds trust and retains clients.
About Us- The Bio:
Interestingly enough, I have often times discovered that the most difficult task for new business owners is to write about oneself .Depending on the context, a compelling bio can be anywhere between (150 -450 words , i.e. two paragraphs -one full page.)
The bio of a business leader/owner needs to answer the following questions:
The most important element in any marketing message is authenticity. Commitment to your intention and authenticity in your message builds trust and retains clients.
About Us- The Bio:
Interestingly enough, I have often times discovered that the most difficult task for new business owners is to write about oneself .Depending on the context, a compelling bio can be anywhere between (150 -450 words , i.e. two paragraphs -one full page.)
The bio of a business leader/owner needs to answer the following questions:
Who you are?-A speaker, a venture capitalist, internet marketing strategist, media buyer, a branding specialist, a seminar facilitator.
What you do? Create businesses, teach courses, design branding and marketing solutions, write software, design PDA's.
How do you do it? This is where the senses come in. Create a picture for your audience so that they can see and feel you in action. Think texture, color, motion, sounds, even scents. Audio (mp3) and video files are a great asset here.
Accomplishments: Highlight two or three accomplishments that you are really proud of, and that made a significant difference to those you served.
Recent clients: Mention a few recent clients (or industries specialities).
Education: One or two lines is sufficient; mention prestigious awards.
Need more? Send your current bio to for a complimentary critique.
What you do? Create businesses, teach courses, design branding and marketing solutions, write software, design PDA's.
How do you do it? This is where the senses come in. Create a picture for your audience so that they can see and feel you in action. Think texture, color, motion, sounds, even scents. Audio (mp3) and video files are a great asset here.
Accomplishments: Highlight two or three accomplishments that you are really proud of, and that made a significant difference to those you served.
Recent clients: Mention a few recent clients (or industries specialities).
Education: One or two lines is sufficient; mention prestigious awards.
Need more? Send your current bio to for a complimentary critique.
business coaching,
career development,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Unlimited Creativity at Web 2.0 Expo
In my last e-zine issue I cited mind-mapping as an excellent tool for leaders and business developers that want to incorporate more right-brain activity into their overarching strategies.
Last night as part of the Web 2.0 Expo, I met an extraordinary designer and visionary who has incorporated mind-mapping into his international social network for small businesses. BootB, as CEO Pier Ludovico Bancale enthusiastically explains, is the "pitch" engine that brings brands and creatives together all across the planet. Check it out and share your genius and solutions.
Web 2.0 presentations. . .Click here
Web 2.0 presentations. . .Click here
mind mapping,
social entrepreneurs,
Web 2.0
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Celebrate Earth Day
We cannot have peace on the Earth, unless we also have peace with the Earth.
-Julia Butterfly Hill
Earth Day is near and dear to my heart, as I have been involved with sustainability since the early '70's working at one of the first recycling centers in the USA in a small community in the Midwest.
Our recycling center was part of a fund raising project, that enabled nearly 70 youth to travel and perform throughout western Europe as part of an international symphonic music festival. Having passing a very stringent audition, I fortunately, was able to participate as one of the youngest performers in the group. (And thus began my travel lust- another story. . .)
Fast forward to 1995, as an educator and content producer, I became involved with a regional committee here in the Bay Area that was drafting content for the Earth Charter. Since then, the Earth Charter has been translated into over 30 languages, is used in school and university curricula, and has been adopted by hundreds of cities internationally, as their "constitution".
I joined the Pachamama Alliance several years ago, and enrolled in the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Facilitator Training. The ATD symposium is an absolute must for anyone who is truly committed to creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually uplifting presence on this planet. That same year (2006) I was the Managing Editor for the Sustainable World Sourcebook, now used as one of the many rich resources for personal ecology education and building sustainable communities. You can download a pdf for free.
Paul Hawken has also been a source of inspiration and fuel for my commitment to sustainability education in the workplace. Visit WiserEarth and join this social network.
There are so many actions we can take to honor and heal our Earth. Doing more with less is compassionate, prosperous and intelligent (even competitive). One can make a difference. Respect, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse and Recyle.
-Julia Butterfly Hill
Earth Day is near and dear to my heart, as I have been involved with sustainability since the early '70's working at one of the first recycling centers in the USA in a small community in the Midwest.
Our recycling center was part of a fund raising project, that enabled nearly 70 youth to travel and perform throughout western Europe as part of an international symphonic music festival. Having passing a very stringent audition, I fortunately, was able to participate as one of the youngest performers in the group. (And thus began my travel lust- another story. . .)
Fast forward to 1995, as an educator and content producer, I became involved with a regional committee here in the Bay Area that was drafting content for the Earth Charter. Since then, the Earth Charter has been translated into over 30 languages, is used in school and university curricula, and has been adopted by hundreds of cities internationally, as their "constitution".
I joined the Pachamama Alliance several years ago, and enrolled in the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Facilitator Training. The ATD symposium is an absolute must for anyone who is truly committed to creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually uplifting presence on this planet. That same year (2006) I was the Managing Editor for the Sustainable World Sourcebook, now used as one of the many rich resources for personal ecology education and building sustainable communities. You can download a pdf for free.
Paul Hawken has also been a source of inspiration and fuel for my commitment to sustainability education in the workplace. Visit WiserEarth and join this social network.
There are so many actions we can take to honor and heal our Earth. Doing more with less is compassionate, prosperous and intelligent (even competitive). One can make a difference. Respect, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse and Recyle.
Web 2.0
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Web 2.0 -San Francisco April 22-25
What is Web 2.0 Expo?
Web 2.0 Expo is a global annual gathering of technical, design, marketing, and business professionals who are building the next generation web.
Web 2.0 Expo features the most innovative and successful Internet industry figures and companies providing attendees with examples of business models, development paradigms, and design strategies to enable mainstream businesses and new arrivals to the Web 2.0 world to take advantage of this new generation of services and opportunities.
Click here to register
Web 2.0 Expo features the most innovative and successful Internet industry figures and companies providing attendees with examples of business models, development paradigms, and design strategies to enable mainstream businesses and new arrivals to the Web 2.0 world to take advantage of this new generation of services and opportunities.
Click here to register
April 22-25, 2008
San Francisco Moscone Center West
Why attend?
Network with the experts, visionaries, and social entrepreneurs. Learn about the many web technologies and applications that will bring you within 1- 3 degrees of separation of offering your vision and living in "purpose" .
"We are the ones we have been waiting for". V. Jones
Why attend?
Network with the experts, visionaries, and social entrepreneurs. Learn about the many web technologies and applications that will bring you within 1- 3 degrees of separation of offering your vision and living in "purpose" .
"We are the ones we have been waiting for". V. Jones
new media,
social entrepreneurs,
Web 2.0
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The energy of complaining
In an earlier post this week, I cited the Oprah/Tolle webcast "dialogs".
There's a wonderful exercise that came out of last night's webcast- about complaining.
Make a running list of all of your complaints or complaining thoughts for a week, and observe where that voice is coming from. It's not you, just your egoic conditioning - according to Eckert Tolle, the true You is the one observing what your mind is doing.
Now, isn't that interesting?
Another exercise that I have applied in the past to help me break negative thought patterns is to wear a rubber band around my wrist- everytime I have a complaining thought, I snap it- hard!
Seeing and feeling the sting helps bring me back to the present moment, and away from these negative thought patterns quickly. It feels so good to be present.
Finding stillness within is about being grateful
There's a wonderful exercise that came out of last night's webcast- about complaining.
Make a running list of all of your complaints or complaining thoughts for a week, and observe where that voice is coming from. It's not you, just your egoic conditioning - according to Eckert Tolle, the true You is the one observing what your mind is doing.
Now, isn't that interesting?
Another exercise that I have applied in the past to help me break negative thought patterns is to wear a rubber band around my wrist- everytime I have a complaining thought, I snap it- hard!
Seeing and feeling the sting helps bring me back to the present moment, and away from these negative thought patterns quickly. It feels so good to be present.
Finding stillness within is about being grateful
Ekert Tolle,
law of attraction,
the secret
Saturday, March 15, 2008
What's Truer than Truth?-The Story says Isabelle Allende
What is truer than truth? The Story. . .
She is a maverick, human rights activist, a raging feminist, historian, and a leader of the human heart and spirit. I have read all that this remarkable woman , story-teller, true magician of words has produced.
Let your heart be ignited by the enduring passion of this woman, and her commitment to social justice, helping refugee girls and women in the world who live under abuse, torture, and unimaginable conditions, simply because of gender
Click here to view.
says Nobel Prize novelist Isabelle Allende.
She is a maverick, human rights activist, a raging feminist, historian, and a leader of the human heart and spirit. I have read all that this remarkable woman , story-teller, true magician of words has produced.
Let your heart be ignited by the enduring passion of this woman, and her commitment to social justice, helping refugee girls and women in the world who live under abuse, torture, and unimaginable conditions, simply because of gender
Click here to view.
feminine energy,
paradigm shifts
Oprah's classroom: "Awakening to Your Purpose" with Eckert Tolle
Back in 2002, I swayed in a hammock along the Bays of Hueltulco (in Southern Mexico) and read Eckert Tolle's The Power of Now , five times! I was in a mental obsessive state and found myself at peace after my "conversations" with Mr. Tolle.
In 2005, he released "The New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose",
where Mr. Tolle continues to expand upon his theme and encourages us to be still and listen for the answer to one very important question:
"What does life want from me?"
The New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" is currently featured in Oprah's Book Club and her new live web-events and global classroom.
Click here to view.
With the exception of the advertising, I love this format for expanding consciousness.
The learning includes workbooks, live Q & A using Skype, and the option to download , view or listen to the webcast from your iphone/ipod, anytime!
There is a new "race" in consciousness. As an educator, writer, and content producer, I am very excited about the possibilities. Learning has never been so much fun and accessible!
In 2005, he released "The New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose",
where Mr. Tolle continues to expand upon his theme and encourages us to be still and listen for the answer to one very important question:
"What does life want from me?"
The New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" is currently featured in Oprah's Book Club and her new live web-events and global classroom.
Click here to view.
With the exception of the advertising, I love this format for expanding consciousness.
The learning includes workbooks, live Q & A using Skype, and the option to download , view or listen to the webcast from your iphone/ipod, anytime!
There is a new "race" in consciousness. As an educator, writer, and content producer, I am very excited about the possibilities. Learning has never been so much fun and accessible!
Life Purpose,
new media,
paradigm shifts
Gaining Clarity: You Attract What You Are Clear About
You attract what you are CLEAR about. You only get what you really want!
For me, getting clear and staying balanced is an on-going process- it's life-long learning and discipline!
Balance: What are your Daily Rituals?
Exercise, yoga, meditation, live, healthy food help create the anchors that allow us to "come back home" to ourselves. When I am feeling out of balance, it's usually because I slipped out of self-discipline (why meditate when I can check e-mail?) and into some sort of unfocused swirl.
Choose daily rituals that support optimal life force - practices and habits that are cleansing, balancing, and clarifying. For me, a weekly mix of meditation, yoga, or dance along with time outdoors everyday and a mid-day, healthy, "green" meal helps keeps me grounded and in my body.
Clarity: What Makes You Come Alive?
To help you with this process:
For me, getting clear and staying balanced is an on-going process- it's life-long learning and discipline!
Balance: What are your Daily Rituals?
Exercise, yoga, meditation, live, healthy food help create the anchors that allow us to "come back home" to ourselves. When I am feeling out of balance, it's usually because I slipped out of self-discipline (why meditate when I can check e-mail?) and into some sort of unfocused swirl.
Choose daily rituals that support optimal life force - practices and habits that are cleansing, balancing, and clarifying. For me, a weekly mix of meditation, yoga, or dance along with time outdoors everyday and a mid-day, healthy, "green" meal helps keeps me grounded and in my body.
Clarity: What Makes You Come Alive?
To help you with this process:
- Look at what you loved being, doing, feeling when you were between the ages of 7-14. These are the keys to your true passions.
- Make a list of these activities/experiences. Did you love singing? How can you bring that back into your life now? Did you give up a dream? Bring it back, write it down as if it is happening now.
- Ask Yourself: What's the essence/sensation in these activities/experiences? As Abraham-Hicks says, "Move towards what feels good."
- Ask Yourself: What would I do if I knew I wouldn 't fail? Sit with this question. Write out 20-30 brave responses.
- Create a Vision Board. Find images (on-line, your own photos & drawings, clips from magazines) that support these brave statements and serve as a mirror to your VISION. Giving attention to your Vision Board everyday will keep you focused on your vision, dreams and desires.Yes, that's right, you CAN have that Now."
- Discover kinesiology and learn a few exercises combining mental images, movement and eye patterns. Releasing the mind clutter and reprograming/ retraining your brain (balancing the left and right hemispheres), creates space for the voice of clarity to speak through you. Negativity, fear, and paralyzing doubts come from confusion (lack of focus) and unfulfilled desires.
- Share your vision and desires with others. We can't do it alone- why would you want to? Own, love, and share your vision. It's your responsibility.
vision boards,
vision statements
It's 2008 - Let's Collaborate
My, it 's been some time since I've posted here. I decided to start the new year on a holiday in Maui (my first time on that magical island).
It was truly a wonderful way to refresh and rejuvenate, release a lot of monkey mind clutter, eat lightly, do yoga with community, and get clear on what's important to me.
I imagine many of you have been to Maui, but if not, I highly, highly recommend the Hana Coast. I felt such a deep peace there and rate her exquisite beauty right along with several other of my favorite places: the Baleares Islands (Spain), the Cyclades (Greece), Bali, and several islands in Southern Thailand (Koh Lanta, Ko Samui, et. al.). Yes, I'm an island girl.
I re-discovered what CLARITY is on this journey and that no matter how many goal-setting programs/workshops we participate in, if we don't SEE and FEEL the DESIRE for an intended reality (as if it is occurring NOW) then the goal remains just that- a wish on a list.
That's why I am such an advocate of Vision Boards and Vision Statements. They are fantastic platforms for COLLABORATING and COMMUNICATING with OTHERS what we see US (you, me, them, ) CREATING. We are living in most amazing times of radical shifts and unprecedented change. Breathe into your heart and discover what makes YOU come ALIVE. Share Your Visions.
In heartfelt collaboration,
aka Sheryl Sever
It was truly a wonderful way to refresh and rejuvenate, release a lot of monkey mind clutter, eat lightly, do yoga with community, and get clear on what's important to me.
I imagine many of you have been to Maui, but if not, I highly, highly recommend the Hana Coast. I felt such a deep peace there and rate her exquisite beauty right along with several other of my favorite places: the Baleares Islands (Spain), the Cyclades (Greece), Bali, and several islands in Southern Thailand (Koh Lanta, Ko Samui, et. al.). Yes, I'm an island girl.
I re-discovered what CLARITY is on this journey and that no matter how many goal-setting programs/workshops we participate in, if we don't SEE and FEEL the DESIRE for an intended reality (as if it is occurring NOW) then the goal remains just that- a wish on a list.
That's why I am such an advocate of Vision Boards and Vision Statements. They are fantastic platforms for COLLABORATING and COMMUNICATING with OTHERS what we see US (you, me, them, ) CREATING. We are living in most amazing times of radical shifts and unprecedented change. Breathe into your heart and discover what makes YOU come ALIVE. Share Your Visions.
In heartfelt collaboration,
aka Sheryl Sever
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