Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oprah's classroom: "Awakening to Your Purpose" with Eckert Tolle

Back in 2002, I swayed in a hammock along the Bays of Hueltulco (in Southern Mexico) and read Eckert Tolle's The Power of Now , five times! I was in a mental obsessive state and found myself at peace after my "conversations" with Mr. Tolle.

In 2005, he released "The New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose",
where Mr. Tolle continues to expand upon his theme and encourages us to be still and listen for the answer to one very important question:

"What does life want from me?"

The New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" is currently featured in Oprah's Book Club and her new live web-events and global classroom.

Click here to view.

With the exception of the advertising, I love this format for expanding consciousness.

The learning includes workbooks, live Q & A using Skype, and the option to download , view or listen to the webcast from your iphone/ipod, anytime!

There is a new "race" in consciousness. As an educator, writer, and content producer, I am very excited about the possibilities. Learning has never been so much fun and accessible!

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