Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's 2008 - Let's Collaborate

My, it 's been some time since I've posted here. I decided to start the new year on a holiday in Maui (my first time on that magical island).

It was truly a wonderful way to refresh and rejuvenate, release a lot of monkey mind clutter, eat lightly, do yoga with community, and get clear on what's important to me.

I imagine many of you have been to Maui, but if not, I highly, highly recommend the Hana Coast. I felt such a deep peace there and rate her exquisite beauty right along with several other of my favorite places: the Baleares Islands (Spain), the Cyclades (Greece), Bali, and several islands in Southern Thailand (Koh Lanta, Ko Samui, et. al.). Yes, I'm an island girl.

I re-discovered what CLARITY is on this journey and that no matter how many goal-setting programs/workshops we participate in, if we don't SEE and FEEL the DESIRE for an intended reality (as if it is occurring NOW) then the goal remains just that- a wish on a list.

That's why I am such an advocate of Vision Boards and Vision Statements. They are fantastic platforms for COLLABORATING and COMMUNICATING with OTHERS what we see US (you, me, them, ) CREATING. We are living in most amazing times of radical shifts and unprecedented change. Breathe into your heart and discover what makes YOU come ALIVE. Share Your Visions.

In heartfelt collaboration,

aka Sheryl Sever

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