Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Keep the Channel Open

A dear friend shared this wonderful quote from Martha Graham with me at my recent birthday celebration.
May it inspire you to celebrate your magnificence, too!

There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. The world will not have it.

It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable it is nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and be aware directly to the urges that motivate you.

Keep the channel open

Greening Your LIfe

Greening Your Life™
Workshops in Personal Ecology and Workplace Sustainability

* What's your Eco Footprint?
* What are your unexamined assumptions, choices?
* Do your "consumption" habits reflect your values?
* What ARE your guiding principles?

The Live Earth Event broadcast worldwide on July 7, 2007 provided a tremendous education in personal ecology on a global level.

Moving towards personal ecology/sustainable living starts with one individual- YOU! Sustainability starts with your desire to change, and then taking action. Sustainability is living in such a way that future generations have access to shared resources to meet their needs.

It takes vision commitment and courage to take a stand and build life-affirming models in our businesses, media, schools, and first and foremost, in our own hearts.

Greening Your Life™ is a powerful and engaging workshop designed for those seeking support in developing personal ecology and workplace sustainability practices. Based upon research and actions plans that I included in the 2006 Sustainable World Sourcebook, along with other resources, we will:

* Examine The 4 R's: RESPECT, RETHINK, REDUCE and REUSE.
* Look at your Eco Footprint and reflect upon unexamined choices.
* Develop a Personal Green Action Plan.
* Learn how to plan a "zero-waste" event.
* Discuss Green Team Development and Education in the Workplace.

Take a stand in your personal life and workplace towards green living, global cooling, and justice. E-mail coachshera@gmail.com to receive more information on Greening Your Life™ workshops for Personal Ecology and Workplace Sustainability.



These four words have become the pillars in strategic planning meetings, business development, project management, financial planning, and personal action plans. It's the core inquiry in most small business seminars. It's a life coach's mantra.

Malcolm Cohan coined this vision wave: Think It So. He has been the inspiration for hundreds of vision boards, vision videos, and vision stories now seen on You Tube.

Earlier this summer, I added this concept in my workshops for new and small business owners, and professionals in career transition. Parents and teens love it too!

These INTRODUCTORY EVES to Vision Coaching™ utilize a synthesis of powerful techniques designed to access clarity and the truth within you and a vision of what you want to create in your life.

The outcome is a beautiful vision canvas- a map to keep you on track, on purpose, and a daily visual reminder that intention and attention are powerful elements of manifestation.

So what's your vision? What lights you up? What makes you come alive? What do you truly love?
How are you expressing your passions in life?

Come join us! It's fun, engaging, exciting. Next evenings: Thursday, Oct. 18; Thursday, Nov. 8

Recognizing Stellar Volunteers

High Performance Volunteer Management-Recognizing Stellar Volunteers

More and more, we find organizations and small businesses depending upon volunteers, committees, and even interns to carry out their vision by providing leadership and support in marketing, organizational development and change initiatives.
How do we recruit and retain stellar volunteers? What motivates volunteers? In one word, it's: RECOGNITION.

If you want my loyalty, interests, and best efforts, remember that . . .

1. I need a sense of belonging.
2. I need to have a sense of sharing in planning our objectives.
3. I need to feel that goals and objectives are clear and obtainable.
4. I need to feel that what I am doing has real purpose and contributes to human welfare.
5. I need autonomy and collaboration in setting standards for performance.
6. I need to know what is expected of me (not a laundry list of "duties".)
7. I need to have challenging responsibilities within my range of interests and abilities.
8. I need feedback about my progress.
9. I need to be kept informed.
10. I need to have good rapport with and confidence in the leadership of the organization.
11. I need timely recognition.

Adapted from The Effective Management of Volunteer Programs, By Marlene Wilson

There are many ways to fulfill the needs of volunteer staff. High retention of volunteers starts with:

* a well-planned volunteer recruitment strategy in alignment with long-term organizational goals.
* very clear descriptions of the volunteer roles with expected outcomes.
* performance development plan and feedback system that promotes professional development.

How we as leaders provide recognition to professionals who volunteer is one of the topics I will be addressing this week in a one-day workshop with over 35 Chamber Chapter Leaders from the California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

"I can live on one good compliment for 2 months"
Mark Twain