Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Greening Your LIfe

Greening Your Life™
Workshops in Personal Ecology and Workplace Sustainability

* What's your Eco Footprint?
* What are your unexamined assumptions, choices?
* Do your "consumption" habits reflect your values?
* What ARE your guiding principles?

The Live Earth Event broadcast worldwide on July 7, 2007 provided a tremendous education in personal ecology on a global level.

Moving towards personal ecology/sustainable living starts with one individual- YOU! Sustainability starts with your desire to change, and then taking action. Sustainability is living in such a way that future generations have access to shared resources to meet their needs.

It takes vision commitment and courage to take a stand and build life-affirming models in our businesses, media, schools, and first and foremost, in our own hearts.

Greening Your Life™ is a powerful and engaging workshop designed for those seeking support in developing personal ecology and workplace sustainability practices. Based upon research and actions plans that I included in the 2006 Sustainable World Sourcebook, along with other resources, we will:

* Examine The 4 R's: RESPECT, RETHINK, REDUCE and REUSE.
* Look at your Eco Footprint and reflect upon unexamined choices.
* Develop a Personal Green Action Plan.
* Learn how to plan a "zero-waste" event.
* Discuss Green Team Development and Education in the Workplace.

Take a stand in your personal life and workplace towards green living, global cooling, and justice. E-mail coachshera@gmail.com to receive more information on Greening Your Life™ workshops for Personal Ecology and Workplace Sustainability.

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